I do not make, sell, or traffic in bootleg/recast dolls or any other product.

I do not provide information on where or how to buy them.

Any recast information on this blog is for information purposes only, for identifying recast products on the second hand market.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

SDgr Girl and Feeple 60 Girl Comparison Part 1

The SDgr girl body is a really popular recast. I thought it might be useful to show a comparison between the SDgr girl body and the Fairyland Feeple 60 girl body. I had to do this in the living room real quick while the baby was sleeping, so please pardon my husband's board game collection in the background. It seemed a better choice than anywhere else in the house. XD

The cast:

Recast SDgr Lorina from Steven, Roslynn (Little Red Riding Hood)
Legitimate Feeple 60 Chloe, Jill
Legitimate Feeple 60 Mirwen, Jack
Legitimate Feeple 60 Nanuri A, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

First, a little FAQ:

Q: Do any recasters have feeple 60s?
A: No, they do not. They do now, and they only have Mirwen on the large bust with pointy finger hands.

Q: What sculpts are the two girls in the picture? What is the boy?
A: One is a Volks SDgr Lorina, recast, with heeled legs. The other girl is a Feeple 60 Chloe with the medium bust. The boy is a Feeple 60 Mirwen boy with muscle body.

Q: Will you be showing comparison pics of the girls with Lorina's more poseable legs?
A: yup! I just have to restring her to be able to do that, so it may be a little while. Stay tuned!

Q: What are the measurements of these two girls?
A: Here ya go!

SDgr girl:

Head: 9-10
Eyes: 18+

Check out the rest of her measurements here on resinmuse!

Feeple 60 Girl:

Height (Cm): 55.0
Head circumference (Cm) 23.0 (8-9 to 9-10)
Eyes: 16+
Neck circumference (Cm) 8.0
Shoulder width (Cm) 11.0
Shoulder to wrist (Cm)17.0
Elbow to wrist (Cm) 8.5
Length of back (Cm)12.0
Chest circumference (Cm)23.0/22.0
Waist circumference (Cm)16.6
Hip circumference (Cm) 25.0
Hip to knee (Cm)16.0
Knee to ankle (Cm)14.0
Ankle circumference (Cm)6.7
Feet size (Cm) 6.0

This first set of pictures are of the Feeple 60s with Lorina in her heeled legs. The heeled legs have much less mobility. Part Two will be the Feeples with Lorina in her flat feet with the mobility joints in her thigh.If anyone has particular poses or requests in mind, drop me a line. I'm happy to accommodate where I can.

Onto the photos!

Head backs
Back of their heads
Their heads are all pretty similar is size, ranging from 8-9 to 9-10. Lorina has the biggest head of them all, at 9-10.

all four side views
Side Views

all four
Front Views

Lorina and F60 head swap
The Chloe head fits well on the SDgr neck. This is the inside of the SDgr neck viewed from Chloe's head.

Lorina and F60 head swap
Chloe on the SDgr body. Despite the bad resin match, the proportion is actually really good.

Lorina and F60 head swap
Without the neckpiece, Lorina's head looks good on the Feeple 60 body.

nanuri and lorina side view
Nanuri A on the left, Lorina on the right.

mirwen and lorina side view

Mirwen on the left, Lorina on the right.

lorina and chloe front view
Lorina on the left, Chloe on the right

lorina and c hloe quarter view
Lorina on the left, Chloe on the right

Here is the trio standing:

(Lorina was about to fall over in this dang carpet so I had to snap it quick.)
Here they are from the side:

stadning side view
(I was doing this by myself without a dollie catcher, and as I snapped, Lorina toppled. Somehow I managed to hold the camera, take the pic, and catch all three dolls. No one was hurt in the making of this blog post…)

sitting front view
Chloe cannot bend as far forward as Lorina.

sitting back view
Lorina has some nifty notches in her back that let her slouch to varying degrees. The feeple 60 girl cannot do this. She can only slouch forward or lean back.

Chloe slouched back

kneeling 2
Chloe slouched forward

Lorina kneels better than Chloe, even in her heeled legs. Lorina can sit up straight, where Chloe can only lean foreward or back.

lorina sitting side
Lorina can also sit up straight like this.

chloe sitting side
Chloe cannot. She can slouch forward, which allows her to look as though she is sitting straight up. The curve of her back prevents her from sitting straight.

Conclusion of Part 1:

  • The Feeples win the posing battle hands down, at least with the SDgr girl in her heeled legs.
  • The SDgr girl is much more graceful than the Feeple 60s. She can do some poses the Feeple 60 girl cannot. She has a greater range of motion with her head and upper body than the Feeples, but the Feeples have better arm control.
  • The pelvic joint is used far more often with the SDgr body than it is with the Feeple body.
  • Both bodies stand equally well in heels and without (Lorina can pose without heels on when outfitted with the heeled feet, but not on my carpet).
  • The SDgr body is slimmer overall than the Feeple body, and lacks the curves of the Feeple body.
  • In my opinion, the Feeple 60 boy is sculpted the best and most natural out of the three. He poses the most natural and looks the most fluid. 
Check out Part 2 here, for posing pics with Lorina's flat feet and mobility joint! Thanks for reading and happy collecting!

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